Five Awesome Apps That Will Help You Learn to Play an Instrument
Photo via Pixabay Learning an instrument has many benefits for all ages, including a boost in emotional and cognitive health. However, it...

"It's You I Like"- Mr. Rogers
When a 30 something year old goes and watched A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood in the theatres at 10:30 at night, and not having had ther

You, Me, & My IV
In the rare disease/chronic illness community, one topic that seems to be brought up time and time again is relationships: personal,...

Hope. I held a mother while she cried about her son. He was deep in the disease of addiction and she was at rock bottom. She was scared...

Between The Autoimmune Cluster & A Freelance Lifestyle
Look at all these great things that are happening! I have solidified my career as a freelance musician, educator, and writer, I was...

7 Hobbies You Can Learn Online!
7 Hobbies You Can Learn Online You’re already online. Have you thought about what you’re going to do when you’re done reading this...

The Prom The Musical!
Having grown up in Syracuse New York, I went to a private Christian school. For MANY years-now it is different- our “prom” was called the...